Regular readers of this blog know that many posts are related to the history of my neighborhood, Butler-Tarkington. Posts on this site relating to the neighborhood also often appear in the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Association ("BTNA") newsletter. One of the major historical points in the neighborhood’s history is the period in the 1950’s and 1960’s when the neighborhood was undergoing a period of increased, and more widespread integration. This time period also saw the creation of the BTNA, founded by neighbors in 1960, although its predecessor, the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Committee, had been operating since the mid 1950s.
A future post will look at the formation of the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Association and its efforts to promote the peaceful integration of the neighborhood and to address racial issues during the 1950s and 1960s. But first we need to explore and understand the extent that the neighborhood was integrated prior to this time period, and the forces which prevented more widespread integration.
The integration in the 1950’s and 1960’s was related to the striking down of racially based housing restrictions which limited black residents to certain parts of Butler-Tarkington, most notably to areas south of 42nd and 43rd Streets. As detailed later, from the 1910's onward, the area that would later become Butler-Tarkington, which had been predominantly white in the second half of the 19th century, and early 20th, already had black families settling in the future neighborhood. However, the extent of this early integration was limited both in numbers and geographic area. The Google map below shows the homes owned or rented by black families in Butler-Tarkington based on US census data from 1920, 1930, and 1940. Each census year is color coded, and you can select to view each year alone, or with the other years for comparison. Click on the small arrow box in the upper left corner to open a menu to select and deselect the census year layers.
As the map shows, black families were already living in the future Butler-Tarkington in 1920, and in fact, information indicates some of these families were residing in the neighborhood several years before. Prior to this, the area around Mapleton, at 38th and Illinois, and the surrounding farms, was a largely white area.
As shown on the map, the number of families increases in 1930 and 1940. A few comments about this map. First, the individual addresses on the map usually identify the heads of the household, their spouse, as well as any children or others living at that address. If the census data identified whether the property was owned or rented, that too is noted. The 1940 census also indicated whether the family residing at the home had lived at that same address in 1935. I’m guessing this was a Great Depression related question to gauge displacement during that period.
Also, the data being gathered was subject to the whims of the enumerators. Admittedly, there may be some inaccurate information contained in the census records and the enumerators own interpretations and opinions may skew the data. For example, the 1920 census identifies almost every black family recorded in the neighborhood as “mulatto.” There are a few exceptions where the family is noted to be “Black,” but these only appear a few times. Unclear why this was done, but some families who lived in the same location during the later 1930, or 1940 census were identified as Black in those years, evidencing the inconsistency with the 1920 information. While investigating this, I found an excellent blog post from the genealogy blog, Reclaiming Kin. The author of the blog, named Robyn, explains that the "mulatto" designation was based on an 'eyeball assessment' of the enumerator, and the individuals being counted for the census were not actually asked their race. Thus, the numerous 'mulatto' designations in the 1920 census were likely inaccurate and based instead on the enumerator's own observations and opinions.
The location of the families who had moved into the neighborhood should also be closely reviewed over the course of the three census years. A common factor between the three maps, and referenced above, is the lack of black households north of 42nd and 43rd Streets. There are several factors contributing to this.
First, in 1920, much of the southern end of Butler-Tarkington had been platted and was in the process of being subdivided for residential housing. In contrast, the area north of 42nd Street remained less developed and generally agricultural, dominated by several large farms (including the Blue family’s fruit farms), and Fairview Park (soon to be the site of Butler University). Even the area south of 42nd Street was not fully developed, as noted in the 1916 Baist map for the area below. Undeveloped lots and blocks were still quite common in the area leading up to 1920. 42nd Street is at the top of this map, with 38th (a.k.a. Maple Ave.) at the bottom. The town of Mapleton was centered around the area at the bottom right of this map.

A small number of black families had already moved into Butler-Tarkington by 1920, and I located several advertisements in the Indianapolis Recorder which were advertising for homes and lots in the neighborhood and were directed towards black homebuyers. An early ad in the October 5, 1912, edition of the Indianapolis Recorder advertised property all around Indianapolis, including empty lots in "Columbia Place," highlighted in yellow, which is in the southern part of Butler-Tarkington, just north of 38th Street (the "Columbia" name is visible in the Baist map above).

Later ads in the Recorder continued to advertise property for rental and purchase in the future Butler Tarkington. This ad for a rental property on Cornelius in the Recorder on September 17, 1927:

The 1930 census data shows a growing number of black families, but still none north of 42nd (or east of Boulevard). The areas north of 42nd are mostly developed at this point, but it is possible that the real estate companies developing these areas were restricting the buyers in the area. A recent interactive exhibit from the Fair Housing Center for Central Indiana, titled 'Unwelcomed: A Fair Housing History of Sales & Lending Discrimination,' detailed racial covenants in place for housing developments around Indianapolis. Information on this exhibit can be viewed here, and credit to Jordan Ryan for their research on that exhibit. After viewing Unwelcomed, I searched for similar restrictions in Butler-Tarkington, and found a few advertisements for new housing developments referencing "restrictions" associated with the property which would enact de facto segregation to the neighborhood. One advertisement for the Beverly Heights section of the neighborhood (44th south to 43rd, and Sunset to Illinois on the east and west) detailed restrictions in the development:

The advertisement mentions construction requirements, and restrictions on apartment buildings and billboards. Racial restrictions are not expressly mentioned, but the ad notes that "valuable restrictions that protect the purchaser from all kinds of undesirable encroachments--such restrictions as cannot be secured downtown at any price--are in effect." Statements such as this often-indicated racial restrictions, or that the developer would not sell to non-white buyers.
The plats for various subdivisions in the neighborhood at times also expressly included racial restrictions. One example is with the Corydon Co. Addition, which includes the homes which surround Ramsey Park along Cornelius, 43rd Street, and Boulevard. The plat, which is dated December 1944, included the following statement regarding the occupancy of the lots, and buildings, in the subdivision which were "restricted to members of the White Race."

The restrictions detailed in the advertisements and subdivision plats, contributed to the limited part of the neighborhood where black families were living at the time of the 1920/1930/1940 censuses.

Additionally, there were various neighborhood and civic associations operating in the area, both in Butler-Tarkington, and the northside as a whole, who were opposed to integration. Included among these groups was the Northside Federation of Civic Groups, and the University Services Club, both of which opposed integration and actively sought to restrict black homeowners. The excerpt from the Recorder in 1929 details information about the University Service Club. The latter club was apparently active in Butler-Tarkington itself, and on September 13, 1930, the Indianapolis Recorder reported that the club "was perfected for the purpose of preventing colored people from owning property in what is known as the Butler-Fairview addition." (NOTE: a blog post focusing on the activities of these neighborhood groups, and the founding of the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Association is in the works, and will be posted later in 2025)
The 1940 census map shows many more black families living in the neighborhood, but still none north of 42nd. The reasons discussed above still played a role this, although the practice of redlining was also now in play. Redlining came about as a result of the policies of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation in the mid 1930's when maps were established to evaluate the risk for real estate investment within cities around the country. Various factors were considered in these assessments, including race and socio-economic conditions. The name came from the maps developed as part of this process which divided locations into four color coordinated categories: Best (green), Still Desirable (blue), Definitely Declining (yellow), and Hazardous (red). Areas in the yellow and red zones were often predominately minority neighborhoods or areas of lower socioeconomic class. As a result of the redlining these areas faced disinvestment and limitations for obtaining mortgages, insurance, and other financial opportunities and segregation would result. The Mapping Inequality website which provides online access to the redlining maps, can be accessed via this link.
Butler-Tarkington was not in a "red" zone, but as can be seen in the map below, most everything south of a line running roughly along 43rd and 42nd streets and then down Capitol was in a yellow, or ‘declining’ zone, while north of that line was a green zone. The yellow zone which covered southern Butler-Tarkington continued south into the Crown Hill neighborhood.

Also note the eastern boundary of the yellow zone in Butler-Tarkington corresponds to Capitol Avenue. This could help explain the lack of black families residing east of Boulevard in the Google map above. Additionally, while the yellow zone in Butler-Tarkington ran along 43rd and 42nd Streets, the Area Description form (shown below) which accompanied the maps, reinforced the 42nd Street line which was a de facto northern boundary for black families in the 1920 and 1930 census. The Area Description notes in the "Clarifying Remarks" that a "narrow strip--42nd to 43rd Sts. from Boulevard Place west; solid white section but affected by several negro families in section south of 42nd St."

Also note that the Area Description indicates "negro" infiltration into this section, although, as noted above, black families had been living in this area for over 20 years by the time the redlining maps were created. Through the redlining policies, and other forces described above, black families would continue to be prevented from purchasing or renting homes north of 42nd Street at the time of the 1940 census, and redlining would continue to be an ongoing influence in Butler-Tarkington's development in the coming years.
This blog post, and the Google map above, will be an ongoing project, and updates will be made as additional information is found. Most important among the future updates will be a review of the 1950 census, which was just recently made public. However, the amount of data contained in that census will require quite a bit of time to review and add to this map. Additionally, as noted, above, other blog posts related to the history of Butler-Tarkington will be posted in the next few months.
Hopefully this post, and the Google Map above, can help the residents of Butler-Tarkington better understand the history of their neighborhood, its early integration, and then the segregation which set in for half of the neighborhood. Also, I hope the map can help those residents who have lived in the neighborhood since the 1920-40's, and the descendants of the black families who moved into the neighborhood 100 years ago, explore this history and serve as an encouragement to explore the census data firsthand.
Indianapolis Recorder: October 5, 1912, September 17, 1927, June 29, 1929, September 13, 1930
Indianapolis Star: June 18, 1916
United States 1920, 1930, and 1940 Census Records (Accessed through Library Edition, Indianapolis Marion County Public Library
Mapping Inequality,
"About That Mulatto," Reclaiming Kin: Taking Back What Was Lost,
'Unwelcomed: A Fair Housing History of Sales & Lending Discrimination, Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana,