My name is Ed and I live in the Butler Tarkington neighborhood of Indianapolis. Indy was founded in 1820 and became the capitol of Indiana in 1825. The 200 years since has been full of notable historical milestones, and less celebrated, but still interesting tidbits.
My goal for this blog is to explore a wide and diverse range of topics and events, big and small, which occurred in Indianapolis, as well as other events around Central Indiana in order to provide a window into the 200 years of history for the city I call home. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you have an idea for a topic to research or any questions!​
Wondering about the name of the blog? it is a reference to the Dewey Decimal System used in libraries across the country to categorize their collections. Class 900 is the general classification for history related titles.
If you enjoy my blog posts and content, please consider leaving a tip via the Ko-Fi or Venmo links to the right. This helps defray the costs associated with maintaining the Class 900 blog, including website hosting fees, subscriptions to various databases, and costs with obtaining digital materials from local archives. Every tip is appreciated!
Also, in September of 2023 I published a book on Indianapolis history called "Vanished Indianapolis." This book explores historical locations throughout Indianapolis that have long since disappeared, been replaced, or undergone some type of reuse. The book may be purchased directly from the publisher, and through Amazon, or at local retailers. Alternatively, I usually have copies available and would be happy to sell signed copies directly to individuals in the Indianapolis metropolitan area.
Lastly, I also provide historical consulting services, including research and writing and speaking engagements. I'd be happy to discuss how I can help you or your organization explore local history.
Class 900 Indianapolis History

Email me at: ejfujawa@gmail.com