Searching for the Riverside Park Bear Pit
Exploring the history behind the Riverside Park bear pit in Indianapolis.
Searching for the Riverside Park Bear Pit
Home of a Literary Legend: The New Historical Marker at the Booth Tarkington House
Silk and Explosives: The Real Silk Strike of 1934
Built Local: Exploring the Site, and History, of the Udell Furniture Works
The Memory Remains: The Brick Ruin On The Downtown Canal Walk
Join The Ice Pool They Said: The Ice Industry in Indianapolis
eBay Find: Intersection of Meridian and 14th Streets in 1908
History Lost: 2802 N. Capitol Ave.
Built Local: The Atlas Engine Works of Indianapolis
Fast Times In Mapleton: The Little Town (sort of) That Was
Indianapolis Skyline 1910: A Closer Look
Tracking History: The Remains of the Warfleigh Bridge
#indyplaques - The Ferger Drugstore
Bricks in the River